Both free and paid versions of the game allow playing in teams. The Premium Edition of the game provides a few more game modes, Guess It Grand Reveal and Rate It. Available inking features depend on the type of device youre using and which version of Office youre using. Guess It Classic has players gain points by how quickly they can guess the word being drawn. On a touch-enabled device, draw with your finger, a digital pen, or a mouse. In the free draw mode, you can take your time to make your own pictures without other players needing to guess what you are drawing, you can also invite friends into your free draw. The game provides two main game modes for free: Free Draw and Guess It Classic. When you are wanting more word packs you can create your own or browse the community-generated content. With many customizable settings, games can be as fast-paced or easy going as you would like. Scribble It is best played as a party game, where you get to show off your artistic talent or lack thereof to all your friends and family. Also, there's the added novelty of creating pictures using a mouse on a computer which can actually be quite funny. The benefit is that you don't have to be in the same place to play.

You take turns drawing a word as the other players try to be the first one to guess it. Scribble It is a digital take on the classic board game Pictionary.